Fresh Ginger vs Dried Ginger

The Origin of Ginger Ginger originated in the southern part of China. Europeans became acquainted with ginger in the 1st century and by the 15th century, ginger had made its way to the Caribbean.

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Turkish Apricots

Turkish Apricots and California Apricots Most of the dried apricots available for purchase online and in marketplaces are either from Turkey or California. There is a distinct difference in the texture, flavor and visual appearance of California-grown and Turkish apricots.

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Where are Macadamia Nuts Grown?

The Macadamia tree originated in the rain forests of Queensland Australia. Macadamia nuts were considered a delicacy and a treasure by the Aboriginal people. In the 1880s, the first Macadamia plantation was established in New South Wales.

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Currants vs Raisins

Currants and raisins have both similarities and differences. Currants are dried Black Corinth or Carina grapes. The grapes are small and seedless.

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What is a Filbert Nut?

Filbert nut is often used interchangeably with hazelnut. The two nuts are similar, but not identical. Filberts are slightly larger than hazelnuts.

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Are Pecans Keto Friendly?

Pecans are often listed as the #1 best nut to eat on a keto diet. Pecans are high in satiating fat. That’s the fat that helps reduce insulin levels and prevent your body from storing fat.

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How Peanuts Grow?

Don’t Look UP You can stand under a pecan tree, chestnut tree, walnut tree or various other types of nut-bearing trees and see the nuts waiting to fall to the ground. You’ll have to look under the ground or just at the surface of the ground to find peanuts.

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