What is the Prune Juice Good for?

Prunes are impressively nutritious and provide numerous health benefits. Pitted prunes are an excellent portable snack.

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What is the History of Walnuts?

With a history that dates back to 7000 B.C., walnuts have the distinction of being the oldest tree food.

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Why are Peanuts and Chocolate so Good Together?

Chances are, you’ve never really given a lot of thought as to why you and many other people find peanuts and chocolate an irresistible combination.

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The Origin Story of Banana Chips

Banana chips are a popular snack in many parts of the world. The original preparation method for these chips goes back 2,000 years to a recipe included in a Roman cookbook.

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What is a Cashew Apple?

Most likely, your pantry contains an assortment of your favorite snack items.

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Dried Dates vs Fresh Dates: Benefits and Disadvantages

Medjool dates and Deglet Noor dates are the two types of dates most often eaten in the United States.

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Where did the Pecan Tree Originated?

Pecans are a healthy, popular nut that can be eaten in a variety of ways and have extensive culinary diversity.

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