Much to the delight of those who are tired of cold, gray winter days, Spring arrives in March. With the arrival of spring, people find themselves spending more time engaged in outdoor activities.
In 1963 Congress proclaimed February to be American Heart Month. With all of the attention this month on the emotional aspects of the heart, this is also a very appropriate time to focus on the physical condition of the heart.
During the winter months, most of us find ourselves spending more time indoors. When the view out of the window is gray and dreary and the cold air whips around the corner of your house, all you want to do is retreat to a cozy corner of your home and stay warm.
As the temperatures drop, the chances of coming in contact with someone who has a cold increases. Taking steps to prevent getting sick is far better than seeking treatment once you get sick.
There’s no need to wait for Thanksgiving or Christmas to enjoy a delicious, healthy feast of food. October is National Apple Month and National Dessert Month.
September is an ideal month for celebrating a change in seasons. Cooler evenings mean you have an opportunity to enjoy a gathering of family and friends around a flickering fire for an evening of relaxation and good conversation.